Unbranded Orange Crush Bromeliad Live Plant Inside 6 in. Decorator White Contemporary Planter with Built-in Saucer




The Orange Crush Bromeliad (Neoregelia) is an extremely popular, best growing, and in-demand plant. Both indoor and outdoor gardeners and collectors love this bromeliad's broad arrow shaped leaves of vibrant green and pale greenish-cream with variegated orange stripes. Plus, it has an intense orange blush when in bloom. These unique and exotic tropical beauties are super easy to grow and care for and don't even require fertilizer. They are as much at home in the northern climates as they are in the tropics. Just give them an outdoor location with filtered sun to partial shade, or an indoor space with bright indirect sun and they are happy plants that will last a long, long time. In fact, as they age, they will often produce pups (babies) around the base of the plant that will begin to grow into new adult plants. If you plant your Orange Crush Bromeliad outdoors, you can transplant it into the ground, or dig a hole and plant the entire pot and plant directly into the ground - just be sure it has excellent d...


1Use and Care ManualEN12020-12-22