TimberTech PRO Legacy 1 in. x 5.36 in. x 1 ft. Ashwood Composite Deck Board Sample




Go Against the Grain™ with premium, 4-sided capped composite deck boards with Mold Guard™ Technology, containing no wood particles, in the cap. Meticulously crafted for better style and performance, the 4-sided board capping brings advanced surface protection against mold, mildew, moisture damage, scratches, fading, and staining. Stand apart from run-of-the-mill decks with this stunning, artisanal collection. This decking features a complex blend of several colors, natural board-to-board color variation, and a hand-scraped texture that offers old world charm. Just as every tree found in nature is unique, every deck board in the Legacy Collection is unique.


1CA Prop 65EN12020-10-03
2Design GuideDE,EN522020-10-03
3Joist Spacing and Blocking 101EN162020-10-03
4TimberTech Product CatalogEN332020-10-03