TFA Dostmann BBQ thermometer Alarm, Corded probe, Free app, Core temperature monitoring Burgers, Beef, Veal,




Whether juicy pulled pork, sparerips or tender pork tenderloin, with the smart wireless HYPER BBQ thermometer you have full control at the grille. The lid thermometer shows you the cooking chamber temperature on the illuminated display when grilleing indirectly with the hood closed. At the same time, you can use the two insertion sensors to monitor the core temperature of two pieces of grille and cook to the exact point in the hot air flow. Connect the thermometer to your smartphone or tablet via THE HYPER BBQ app, use the pre-programd cooking levels or set all temperature settings and a timer individually. Watch the cooking process wirelessly with a range of up to 50 meters on your mobile device. The current temperatures and target temperatures are displayed in the app and alternately on the thermometer display. When the desired core temperature has been reached, the timer has expired or the cooking chamber temperature does not remain within the programd limit values, you can choose between different alar...

