Robomow RS612 Robotic Lawn Mower with GPS Assisted Navigation (Up to 1/4 Acre)




Powered by a rechargeable battery, Robomow mows the lawn randomly, leaving its charge station multiple times a day, shaving a little bit each time. It returns its charge station automatically when the battery is low. Over the course of a week, Robomow will cut and maintain the height of the entire lawn. Robomow is confined in the lawn by a wire, similar to an invisible dog fence. Bump, tilt and lift sensors prevent it from cutting when and where you don’t want it to. Robomow can also be programmed to only mow (or not mow) certain times of the day and night.


1CA Prop 65N/A12020-09-15
2Warranty GuideEN42020-09-15