Revolution Pi by Kunbus RevPi Connect S 16 GB PLC add-on module 24 V DC




The S and SE series are based on the brand new Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4S, an intermediate step between the 3+ series and the RevPi 4 series. The Compute Module 4S is a compute module in the form factor of the CM3+, on which the powerful Arm Cortex-A72 processor of the CM4 is installed. What was the difference between the S-Series and the SE-Series? The difference between the S and SE series is explained quickly: The S series is compatible with all expansion modules including our fieldbus gateways. The SE series can only be expanded with IO modules and with Con modules in the case of RevPi Connect. Fieldbus gateways are not supported in the SE series. What was the reason to develop two series? This innovation is also based on the global semiconductor crisis: The required IC, which is responsible for connecting the gateways via the PiBridge, is currently not available in sufficient quantities for us. As we can see from the sales figures that many RevPi users operate their devices without gateways, we de...

