REM-Fit ZEEQ Smart Pillow




Snore AlarmOnce snoring reaches your predetermined decibel level, the pillow gently vibrates for you to change sleeping positions.Wireless Music & AudioListen to binaural sleep music, audiobooks, sleep meditations and more. ZEEQ’s onboard personal sound system is evenly dispersed using 8 internal speakers encased in a comfortable memory foam pillow core, eliminating headphones, while ensuring audio can only be heard by the user.Sleep AnalysisMultiple sleep tracker sensors send sleep data to the ZEEQ app for nightly analysis of sleep cycles, snoring and restfulness. Catalog daily sleep habits for a long-term view of how your activity impacts your sleep quality.Smart Home CompatibleZEEQ’s integration with Amazon’s Alexa allows the smart pillow to communicate with the Echo for instant sleep reports via voice control, and other smart devices in your home.Connects with IFTTTZEEQ integrates with IFTTT (If this, then that), helping you integrate with the services you love.Smart AlarmBy analyzing your sleep, ZEEQ...


1Product WarrantyEN32019-03-26