Reliance Loadside Prewired Generator Transfer Switch — 10 Circuits, 125/250 Volts, 50 Amps, 12,500 Watts




This Reliance Loadside Prewired Generator Transfer Switch is the safe, code-approved way to provide emergency power to your home or business during a power outage. The proper connection between a portable generator and selected circuits in a load center allows the user to efficiently and easily operate appliances such as a furnace, refrigerator, sump pump, TV, well pump, lights and more. Power can be manually transferred for each appliance independently at users choice without danger of backfeeding the electrical utility. Internal wiring compartment allows for optional hardwiring to remote power inlet boxes. Dual wattmeters monitor load in generator. Completely pre-wired with individual wires marked by circuit. Indoor surface-mount design. UL listed. 5-year limited warranty. U.S.A.


1CA Prop 65EN12020-09-14
2Product ManualEN162019-07-07