PITT 21 Inch Gas Sealed Burner Cooktop




This BALURAN 21" Professional Top Side Controls cooktop burner in Solid Black by Pitt comes with 2 burners including a 17000 BTU burner. This gas cooktop burner is convertible from natural gas to liquid propane for the fuel change. It also have a burner that is combined with wok/slimmer that you can use up to 650 BTU for lower heat power. This model has 2 gas hobs and is named after a volcano in Indonesia.


1Installation and Handling InstructionsEN102021-11-21
2Maintenance AdviceEN12021-11-21
3Top Side Installation ManualCA,DE,EN,ES,FR,IT,NL152021-11-21
4Top Side Technical DocumentEN,NL52021-11-21
5User ManualCA,DE,EN,ES,FR,IT,NL,PT392021-11-21