
OrangeRX Open LRS 433MHz Transmitter 1W ( JR/Turnigy Compatible)



The all new OrangeRX Open LRS TX Module is an open source transmitter module that can be programmed to use your choice of protocol and any channel in the 400~460MHz range. It is a fully user-customizable RF transmitter system. It can even be programmed to utilize extra features such as telemetry when used with the OrangeRX OpenLRS Rx module. The OrangeRX Open LRS TX Module a very versatile unit perfect for your custom projects. It utilizes a 1000mW RF unit and Atmega328 processor with Arduino Bootloader allowing you to upload pre-written codes or write your own to suit your transmitter needs. The default code utilizes 3 channel frequency hopping. If you would like to use a different protocol, you can write your own hopping codes or simply download one of the many pre-written OpenLRS code sets already available. Features:• 3.3v FTDI support for easy programming (DO NOT use 5V serial / AVRISP adapters)• Serial Port for firmware upload and telemetry application• I2C port for sensor applications (Wii Motion Pl...


1User ManualEN92019-03-27
2User ManualEN22019-03-27
3User ManualN/A32019-03-27
4User ManualEN32019-03-27