Nikon Monarch Laser Rangefinder




The Nikon Monarch Laser Rangefinder is the best solution for calculating distances when performing surveying tasks. With a 7.5-degree field of view, this laser rangefinder can work within a range of 8 to 2,000 or 3,000 yards. It can also perform optimally with an accuracy of ±0.50 to ±1.5 m/yd in 0.1-yard increments. With 6x magnification, the Monarch 2000 rangefinder has an objective diameter of 21 millimeters. It features multilayer-coated optics and long-eye relief that provides comfort, especially fo...


1Item BrochureEN42020-06-22
2Owner's ManualEN252022-08-25
3User's ManualEN,FR442021-06-17