Morningstar Morningstar Sunlight SL-20L-24V Charge Controller




The SunLight combines the SunSaver design with an advanced microcontroller for automatic lighting control functions. It has a rotary switch that allows it to turn on the loads after dusk for 2, 4, 5, 8, or 10 hours. It also has the option to turn loads on at dusk, off during the night, and on again before dawn and Another available option is to have it on from dusk until dawn. It comes with a test button that turns on the light for five minutes. The SunLight comes with a 5-year warranty.


1SunLight SpecificationsEN22022-11-30
2Accessory Compatibility MatrixEN12022-12-02
3Charging Isolated Battery Banks with One PV ArrayEN12022-12-02
4Diagram: Battery WiringEN22022-12-02
5Diagram: Inverter WiringEN22022-12-02
6Diagram: ParallelingEN22022-12-02
7Installation GuideEN162020-05-21
8Lighting Systems with AC LoadsEN12022-12-02
9Load Control with a RelayEN22022-12-02
10Load Control with Sure Sine InverterEN32022-12-02
11Product SpecificationsEN22020-05-21
12ProStar Testing InstructionsEN32022-11-30
13PWM vs MPPTEN142022-12-02
14SunLight Ambient Light Resistor InstallationEN22022-12-02
15SunLight Quick TestEN32022-12-02
16SunLight SpecificationsEN22022-10-25
17TrackStar TechnologyEN142022-11-30
19Why PWM?EN92022-12-02