Miele HM1680D Miele Professional Rotary Iron with Steam




HM1680D Miele Professional Rotary Iron with Steam For a crisp professional finish to linens when throughput matters, the Miele Professional HM 16-80 rotary iron offersthe perfect solution. This easy-to-usepressing tool has a wide roller thatallows you to press everything from shirtsand pants to bed linens and tablecloths, allwith an elegant, professional finish.An electronically controlled roller providesspeeds that can adjust to suit the typeof laundry being pressed. This iron alsooffers steam heat and ...


1FS_HM16-80 D_US-en-USEN22022-04-18
2Operating instructions/Installation instructionsEN402022-04-18
3Product SpecificationsEN12020-08-25
4sell sheetEN12020-09-22