Meris Mercury7 Reverb Pedal - DIGITAL REVERB PEDAL EFFECT




(This text is machine translated) The algorithms implemented by the very particular reverb are two: Ultraplate and Cathedra, selectable via micro switch. The first proposes a Plate Verb capable of coloring the sound in an extremely unique way, while the second winks at the Church environments, resulting very dense and full-bodied. The two Lo and Hi Frequency knobs serve to emphasize the low and high frequencies of the effect. Space controls the amount of reverb - the decay, so to speak - you want to use and Mix mixes the dry signal with the wet signal. The Modulate control adds modulations to the tails, acting like the Depth control of a chorus, while the Pitch Vector acts on the pitching: you can switch from ambient reflections pitched one octave below to those with a fifth up, up to an effect shimmer. With this slider it is also possible to direct the modulations triggered through Modulate as waning or increasing. Each of these controls, combined with the simultaneous pressure of a second micro switch ca...


1User ManualDE,EN112022-08-11