Lutron Lutron Skylark 120 Volt 360 Watt 1.5 Ampere Quiet 3-Speed Fan Control / Light Switch




Lutron SFSQ-LF Skylark 120 Volt 360 Watt 1.5 Ampere Quiet 3-Speed Fan Control / Light SwitchAdd the ultimate in wall controls to your ceiling fan with this single-pole quiet 3-speed control with on/off switch. The slider controls 3 fan speed settings with on/off light switch for your incandescent/halogen light kit.Skylark is the original designer-style slide dimmer from Lutron. It features a convenient rocker switch that turns the lights on and off, and an easy-to-use slide control to adjust the light fo...


1Installation GuideEN,ES22020-10-04
2How to GuideEN22020-10-04
3Installation GuideEN,ES22020-06-06
4Operating GuideEN82020-10-04