Lifeproof with Petproof Technology Chester-Color Gentle Doe Textured 12 ft. Carpet




With beautiful vibrant color, luxurious softness and unmatched resilience, there is no better choice in carpet for active homes than Lifeproof with Petproof technology. The Chester collection combines cut-pile and looped fibers to establish interest in this simple pattern. The looped fibers create grently waving lines throughout design. A subtle shimmer in these loops brings vibrance to the pattern. Garden Bramble is a medium tone gray carpet with a warm hue and subtle highlights. This medium pile height design is soft and comfortable for your family, even while handling the challenge of playful kids and pets. Our innovative and durable Triexta fiber offers the best in stain and odor resistance without adding any harsh chemical treatments. The fiber itself will not absorb moisture, keeping liquids and stains on the surface where they are easy to clean off. The spring-like structure of the fiber resists crushing and matting, so your carpet will look and feel new for years to come with superior long-lasting ...


1Buying GuideEN122020-12-22
2Use and Care ManualEN12020-12-22