iSpring F6WGB32B 3-Stage 1 Year Supply-Pack Carbon Block Whole House Replacement Filter
The 5-micron high-capacity polypropylene sediment filter removes dirt and other various larger sized particles from the water that can clog the following filters. The second and third filter is a duo 5-micron CTO coconut shell carbon block filters. Block carbon is more effective than other forms of carbon in that it is finely ground up carbon packed into a solidified block. This means they have a higher density than other types of carbon filters, and are therefore more effective in removing their targeted contaminants. The carbon block filters knock out bad tastes and odors, combine to remove over 90% of chlorine from the water, and are highly effective on organic chemicals (VOCs) like pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals.
# | Title | Languages | Pages | Updated |
1 | CA Prop 65 | N/A | 1 | 2020-10-05 |