Carrier Cor Water Saver Bypass Humidifier (17 GPD)




Controlling indoor humidity is very important. In many cases the air inside a home is drier than a desert. Dry, indoor air is often the culprit for such common problems as itchy or cracked skin, eye irritation, dry nasal passages, and damaged home furnishings. Dry indoor air can also increase the possibility of catching cold and flu viruses and can reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of the heating system. All of these problems can be alleviated with the help of this humidifier. It offers six humidifier models designed to put moisture back into the indoor environment so homeowners can relax in warm, soothing comfort. Depending on the model that best matches the system, this humidifier can deliver between 12 and 34 gallons (45 and 129 liters) of moisture per day to minimize the problems of excessively dry air. And, because humidified air feels warmer, using lower thermostat settings may be possible for added energy savings. Features/ Benefits (Bypass & Fan Powered Models) Easy Access for Cleaning and Ma...


1Product OverviewEN102022-03-24
2User GuideEN82022-03-24