AudioControl LC7i




AudioControl's LC7i 6-channel line output converter (LOC) with bass restoration allows you to add aftermarket amps, speakers, and subs to your car's factory radio, so you can enjoy better and more powerful sound without losing climate controls, voice-activated functions, or other built-in factory features. The LC7i accepts speaker-level signals, so you can use it with just about any setup, even high-powered amplified systems. The LC7i sums its input signals together, even if they've been crossed over for tweeters, mids, and subs by the factory system. That way, you can count on a strong, smooth, full-range signal for your processors and amps. The LC7i features six RCA preamp outputs that'll handle a traditional front/rear/sub setup. Many factory radios actually turn the bass down as you increase the volume to protect the cheap factory speakers, subsequently removing much of your music's power and punch. AudioControl developed a patent pending AccuBASS™ circuit that restores the bass the factory radio erase...


1Owner's ManualEN162022-08-24