Amana 30" Stainless Steel Wall Mount Flat Range Hood




This stainless steel wall mount kitchen hood looks great and provides the right amount of ventilation for every meal you prepare thanks to the 3-speed, 400 CFM motor class. Bright, long-lasting LED task lighting makes it easy to see what you're cooking. Plus, the range hood's convertible ventilation means you can vent vapors and odors outside or filter them and recirculate the air, depending on your kitchen ventilation system setup. When venting at low speed, sound levels can get as low as 44 dBA. 1


1Dimension GuideEN22022-04-19
2Ventilation Pairing ChartDE12022-04-19
3Dimension GuideEN22022-04-19
4Full PolicyEN42022-04-19
5Installation GuideEN,FR282022-04-19
6Installation InstructionsEN,FR282022-04-19
7Instruction SheetEN12022-04-19
8Owner's ManualEN,FR282022-04-19
9(PDF - 46.0KB)EN,FR22022-04-19
10Use and Care GuideEN,FR282022-04-19
11Ventilation Pairing ChartDE12022-04-19