Adaptec 2906 SCSI PCI Kit with Windows and Mac Support




The Adaptec SCSI Card 2906 protects your SCSI peripheral investment by providing the same internal and external connections previously available with built-in Mac SCSI. And it works with Old SCSI manager as well as newer SCSI Manager 4.3 compatible devices for maximum compatibility. It also provides 10Mbyte/sec Fast SCSI performance that is twice as fast as the previously provided built-in Mac SCSI, and 6 times faster that the standard PC parallel port. (In Europe, only available for Macintosh.) Kit Contents System RequirementsPC Supported Operating Systems Warranty5-year manufacturing and materials warranty Features: * Card connects SCSI devices to PC * 10 MB/sec data transfer rate * Compatible with older SCSI peripherals as well as newer SCSI * Connect up to 7 SCSI peripherals with one card * Five year manufacturing and materials warranty


1User ManualEN382021-08-29