User's Manual

NWA5000 / WAC6000 Series User’s Guide
shell scripts 175
CPU 43, 45
flash 43
memory 43, 46
onboard flash 43
use 12
user authentication 80
user name
rules 81
user objects 80
users 80
access, see also access users
admin (type) 80
admin, see also admin users
and service control 134
currently logged in 43
default lease time 84, 86
default reauthentication time 85, 86
lease time 83
limited-admin (type) 80
lockout 85
reauthentication time 83
types of 80
user (type) 80
user names 81
Vantage Report (VRPT) 158, 163
Virtual Local Area Network 64
introduction 64
VoIP 13
VRPT (Vantage Report) 158, 163
warm start 27
warning message popup 36
warranty 231
note 231
WDS 12, 16
Web Configurator 17, 28
access 28
requirements 28
supported browsers 28
web configurator 12
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) 88
wireless channel 191
wireless client 69
Wireless Distribution System (WDS) 16
wireless LAN 191
Wireless network
overview 68
wireless network
example 68
wireless profile 87
layer-2 isolation 87
MAC filtering 87
radio 87
security 87
wireless repeater 12
wireless security 13, 191
wireless station 69
WLAN interface 14
WPA2 88
WWW 135
and certificates 136
see also HTTP, HTTPS 135