User's Manual Part 1

P-660H/HW/W-T Series User’ Guide
Index 458
Dynamic WEP key exchange 82
dynamic WEP key exchange 293
DYNDNS Wildcard 114
EAP 70
EAP Authentication 426
EAP authentication 292
ECHO 106
Electric Shock 5
Electrical Pipes 5
Electrocution 5
Log Example 180
embedded help 50
Encapsulated Routing Link Protocol (ENET ENCAP) 90
Encapsulation 90, 234, 237
PPP over Ethernet 90
PPPoA 90
RFC 1483 91
Encryption 428
Equal Value 6
Error Log 300
ESS 421
ESSID (Extended Service Set Identification) 74
Ethernet 355
Europe 5
Exposure 5
Extended Service Set 421
Failure 6
Fairness-based Scheduler 185
Rules, Part 15 3
FCC Rules 3
Federal Communications Commission 3
Filename Conventions 306
filename conventions 307
Filter 222, 272
Applying Filters 283
Ethernet Traffic 284
Ethernet traffic 284
Filter Rules 275
Filter structure 273
Generic Filter Rule 279
Remote Node 242
Remote Node Filter 242
Remote Node Filters 284
Sample 282
SUA 281
TCP/IP Filter Rule 277
Filter Log 302
Filter Rule Process 273
Filter Rule Setup 276
Filter Set
Class 276
Filtering 272, 276
Filtering Process
Outgoing Packets 272
Finger 107
Finland, Contact Information 7
Access Methods 132, 270
Address Type 140
Alerts 135
Anti-Probing 148
Creating/Editing Rules 138
Custom Ports 141
Enabling 135
Firewall Vs Filters 129
Guidelines For Enhancing Security 127
Introduction 119
LAN to WAN Rules 134
Policies 132
Remote Management 270
Rule Checklist 133
Rule Logic 133
Rule Security Ramifications 133
Services 146
SMT menus 270
Types 118
When To Use 129
firmware 205, 306
upgrade 205
upload 205
upload error 206
Fitness 6
Fragment Threshold 227
Fragmentation Threshold 423
Fragmentation threshold 423
France, Contact Information 7
FTP 106, 158, 325
Restrictions 325
FTP File Transfer 313
FTP Restrictions 158, 309
FTP Server 264
Full Rate 398
Functionally Equivalent 6