User's Manual Part 1

P-660H/HW/W-T Series User’ Guide
Chapter 19 Menu 1 General Setup 216
Figure 111 Menu 1.1 Configure Dynamic DNS
Follow the instructions in the next table to configure dynamic DNS parameters.
Menu 1.1 - Configure Dynamic DNS
Service Provider= WWW.DynDNS.ORG
Active= No
Password= ********
Enable Wildcard= No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Table 75 Menu 1.1 Configure Dynamic DNS
Service Provider This is the name of your dynamic DNS service provider.
Active Press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes and then press [ENTER] to make dynamic DNS
Host Enter the domain name assigned to your Prestige by your dynamic DNS provider.
EMAIL Enter your e-mail address.
User Enter your user name.
Password Enter the password assigned to you.
Enable Wildcard Your Prestige supports DYNDNS Wildcard. Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER]
to select Yes or No This field is N/A when you choose DDNS client as your service
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt “Press ENTER to Confirm
or ESC to Cancel:
” to save your configuration, or press [ESC] at any time to cancel.