User's Manual

Number Function
Enable HDR (High-Dynamic Range) mode when capturing
a photo with high illumination contrast to keep more details
in both the bright and the dark areas. This is only available
for the back camera.
Enable different photo-capturing modes, such as normal
mode, face beauty mode, and panorama mode. Some
modes are only available for the back camera.
3 Change the camera settings.
4 Capture a video.
5 Capture a picture.
Change the flash setting, only available for the back
7 View pictures and videos you have taken.
8 Switch between the front and back camera.
Keep a safe distance when using the flash. Do not point the
flash towards the eyes of people or animals.
You can spread or pinch on the screen to zoom in or out
before taking picture or during video recording.
3. Touch the area where you want the camera to focus.
4. Touch
to take a photo or touch to start recording.
You can touch
/ to pause or continue the video