User's Manual

User Manual
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6.1.5 Module Boards Mounting
The pallets, which are suitable for mounting, have been made for many modules. If our company
has offered the pallets, customers can directly apply them in Pick & placement machine; otherwise,
customers need make a loading tool similar to the pallet. Customers can take out the modules from
the packaging box, put them into the pallet according to the sequence and direction, and then start
Loading pallet
Mounting Pressure: In order to ensure a good contact between the module and the tin of the
interface board, and the convenient welding, the pressure of placing the module board on the
interface board is 2-5N according to our experiences. Different modules have different numbers of
pads, therefore the pressure selected are different. Customers can select proper pressure based on
their own situations.
6.1.6 Furnace Temperature Curve
As for the furnace temperature curve of module, we recommend that the peak temperature
should be about 240~245°C. The time of the temperature above 217°C is 30~60 seconds. Besides, the
temperature at the preheating area is kept at 150~200°C, and the time is 60~120 seconds.