User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Health and safety information
The phone with internal antenna has been tested for compliance with FCC RF Exposure (SAR)
limits and is complied with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements.
Exposure to radio frequency energy
Radio wave exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information The handset is designed to
comply with safely, requirements for exposure to radio waves. This requirement is based on scientific
guidelines that include safety margins designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age
and health.
The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption
Rate, or SAR. Tests for SAR are conducted using a standardized method with the
Phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all used frequency bands. While there may be
differences between the SAR levels of various ZTE phone models, they are all designed to meet the
relevant guidelines for exposure to radio waves.
The SAR limit recommended is 1.6W/kg averaged over one (1) gram of tissue. The highest SAR value
for this device when tested at the ear was 0.36 W/kg, and when tested at the body it was 0.98 W/kg
SAR compliance for bodyworn operations is restricted to belt-clips, holsters, or similar accessories
that have no metallic component in the assembly and which provide at least 1.5 cm separation
between the device, including its antenna, and the users body.