User's Manual

ZXC10 CBTS O1 Hardware Installation Manual
102 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Cable Installation Check
Check following CBTS O1 cables after installation.
Power and Grounding Cables
Check for following after laying power and grounding cables:
Ensure that the equipment room power and grounding cables are in
accordance with engineering design specifications.
PGND protective grounding wire on a CBTS O1 cabinet employs 35
yellowish green or yellow copper-core cable connected with
indoor PGND grounding copper bars.
Ensure that grounding cable is black copper core cable of 25 mm
, -48
V power cable is blue copper core cable of 25 mm
, and grounding bus
has a diameter more than 35 mm
Each grounding point on grounding copper busbar is connected with
one piece of equipment.
Protective grounding and AC neutral cables are laid out separately.
AC neutral line in power room is independently grounded.
The outdoor grounding resistance is less than 5 ohm.
Labels on both ends of power and grounding cables are correct.
Avoid cable overlapping. All lengthy cables must be shortened or well
coiled up.
Copper lugs on both ends of power and grounding cables are soldered
or pressed firmly.
Entire power and grounding cables are made from one material with no
connections in between.
Grounding busbar is insulated from walls and shortest possible
grounding cable is used.
Connection of power supply to cabinet terminals is correct.
Insulating protective sleeves are installed on both power supply
connecting terminals.
Power and grounding cables are not damaged.
Wires at connecting terminals and lug handle are properly insulated.
Connecting terminals are equipped with flat and spring washers.