Operating instructions

ZIPPER MASCHINEN GmbH www.zipper-maschinen.at Seite 63
13.7.9 Rain
RAIN ON: mower goes back to charging station when it is raining.
RAIN OFF: mower goes on working when it is raining.
1. Select SET and enter it by pressing key
2. Select RAIN and enter it by pressing key
3. Select YES/NO and confirm the selection by pressing key .
13.7.10 Line
LINE ON: every time the mower started, it has to find virtual wire and follow it back to charging
station. The robot will follow the virtual wire cutting for one circle, and finish cutting on the
virtual wire first.
LINE OFF: if mower is not put onto virtual wire, it will not follow virtual wire walking when starts it.
1. Select SET and enter it by pressing key
2. Select LINE and enter it by pressing key
3. Select YES/NO and confirm the selection by pressing key .
13.7.11 Setting Range
There are four range options, user can choose the distance when robot hit virtual wire according the
condition of different lawns.
1. Select SET and enter it by pressing key
2. Select RANGE and enter it by pressing key
3. Select 1/2/3/4 and confirm the selection by pressing key .