User's Manual

By selecting Snapshot, the system automatically captures images when the
alarm is triggered. You can configure the snapshot taking period in Setting >
Storage > Schedule > Snapshot. For details, see " Snapshot Schedule."
Table 4-5 Region alarm rule descriptions
Alarm area
Secondary priority. The target will be tracked when it enters the alarm
When targets appear both in the alarm area and pre-warning area, only
the target in alarm area will be tracked.
Pre-warning area
Lowest priority. The target will be tracked when it enters the pre-warning area.
Shield area
Highest priority. The target will not be tracked, and its trace will not be
displayed in the shield area.
When objects that might cause misinformation such as trees occur in
shield area and alarm area at the same time, the alarm will not be
Click Save. Step 8
4.1.5 Protection Zone Management
You can set trajectory duration, select channels for radar, configure alarm track, and more.
Select Setting > Radar Settings > Protection Zone Management. Step 1
50 m/120 m protection zone management Figure 4-19