Instructions / Assembly

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WARNING: Any alteration of this containment system from the way that
it comes from the factory will not only void the warranty but will likely
create a safety hazard, as well .
WARNING: Never simultaneously connect the energizer in this system with
any other device such as a cattle trainer or poultry trainer . In the event that
lighting strikes your fence it will be conducted to the other devices.
WARNING: Never install an electric fence under a high-voltage
transmission line.
WARNING: Never climb an electric fence.
WARNING: Install enough electric fence warning signs so they can
be easily seen from all directions.
WARNING: Instruct all family members and sta about the operation
of the fence and how to de-energize it if necessary.
WARNING: Only use approved materials in the construction of an
electric fence.
In a double-insulated energizer, two systems of insulation are provided
instead of grounding. No means of equipment ground is provided in
the supply cord of a double-insulated energizer, nor should a means
for equipment grounding be added to the energizer. Servicing of a double-
insulated energizer requires extreme care and knowledge of the system, and
should be done only by qualied service personnel. Replacement parts for a
double-insulated energizer must be identical to the parts they replace.
Tools Required
• Flathead & Phillips Screwdrivers • Wire Cutter/Stripper
• Adjustable Wrench • Voltage Tester
Other Required Components
Two lengths of 20 KV insulated hook-up wire (one long enough
to connect fence energizer to ground system and one long enough
to connect fence energizer to fence line)
• Fence line connector or clamp
• (3) 6- to 8-foot ground rods
• Ground rod clamps–one per ground rod
for equipment grounding be added to the energizer. Servicing of a double-