Install Instructions

system. Trim the top protruding clay tile to allow for the installation of the Z-Flex chimney flashing.
4. Eliminate any obstructions in the chimney.
5. Prior to installing Models GAK & GAFK, extend to their maximum length (see proper stretching techniques
below). Models GIAK & GIAFK are shipped fully extended.
6. Now the Flexible Liner is ready to be installed in the chimney. Take a rope slightly longer than the liner and make
a knot at one end of the rope and place other end through the backside of the *Nose Cone and pull the rope
until the knot is completely in the Nose Cone. Place the Nose Cone at the end of liner. To secure, use duct tape
or other fastener.
7. Using the rope attached to the Nose Cone*, guide the liner down the chimney through the inlet opening. Allow
approximately 1 foot of liner to extend out of the basement wall. (Models GAK & GIAK see figures 1 & 2,
page 7)
Important Notice
Follow these instructions carefully to prevent injury and damage to liner.
Proper Stretching Technique For
Z-flex Aluminum Chimney Liner
• The enclosed liner is in a fully compressed form.
• The stretching of the liner requires two people.
• The liner should be stretched working half the length at a time following this procedure:
Start by facing each other at the approximate mid point in the liner.
Holding the liner firmly in your hands one person should walk backwards, stretching portions of the
liner as they backup.
• As you stretch the liner, watch the corrugation to make sure you are expanding the liner fully as well as not
over-stretching it.
• Follow the same procedure for the other half of the liner. If you have any questions contact:
Z-Flex U.S., Inc., 1-800-654-5600.
• The liner should now be at full length.
*Nose Cone can be purchased from the Z-Flex catalogue.
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