
Press and hold INTELLIBEAM
for more than 2 seconds.
The tNTELLIBEAM key is located inside of the slide cover.
9 Press ENTER.
The fol[owipg screen appea_s on the TV _o_ 2 seconds and
ttmen tlmemenu screen disappears from the TV.
6 Make sure that your listening
room is as quiet as possible.
Fo_ accurate measiJremeni, turn off a[r conditioner or otner
devices tI'_at make noises.
Prepareto leave the room.
The best setting may not oe done if you are in tt;e room.
Prepare lo leave 1no room in 10 seconds atie_ pressJNa ENTER
in step 8.
:;' When _eaving tt'_e room, bn}mg ttlt£ Outck Refer'once Guide with Vou
Wait outside the room during ttle AUTO SETUP procedure
o The AUTO SETUP procedu_'e lakes about 3 minutes.
-* To cancei the AUTO SETUP proceaure after i_ is started _sress
Press ENTER to start the AUTO
SETUP procedure and then leave
the room within 10 seconds.
The setup screen automatically changes dqring the AUTO
S_UP p_ocedure
\,Vher- the AUTO SETUP procedure is complete, the "SHOW
RESULT" screen appears on the TV.
If "ENVIRONMENT CHECK (FAILED)" is alsplayea, see "Erro_
massages lot AUTO SETUP" of "Owner's ManuaF' {on the
:* supplied CD_ROM) and then run the proceaure agal_
:: The result may differ depending on the envtronmenL
if any error occurs, the co_respond[ng error message appears on time
screen, ha th_s case see "krlor massages to/AUTO SETUP" o! "OwneP
:i s Manuai" (oiq the supplied CD-ROIvl).
Disconnect the lnteiliBeam
Now the AUTO SETUP is complete, Keep the IntetliBeam
m_croohone in a safe place.
The settings are automatically savea in the systef'0 memory. i=/ :::
Press HDMll-4 or AUX1/2 to
select the Blu-ray disc player
asthe input source and start
playback of the demonstration
Check whether the 13[-IDIGITAL
indicator lights up.
!_the i_d_ca[or aoes not iigl_t up. check the seihng for digiiat audio outpul
un the pfayei. For detaits, see "Using the supplied demonstration DVD"
(page 7 of "Safety and Accessow lnbrmation" (separate booklet)).