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@Input selector keys
You can configure various settings for each input source
(TV. AUX 1/2, HDMII-4, iPod, FM and SIRIUS).
Available menu items vary depending oll the selected
input source.
1 Press @Input selector keys to select the
desired input source.
2 Press @OPTION.
The first item of the option menu for the selected
input source appears oll the flout panel display.
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3 Press @ _, / v to select the desired menu
item and then press @ENTER.
4 Press @ 4 / D to select the desired setting
and then press @ENTER.
5 To exit from the menu, press @OPTION.
Option menu items
The following menu items are provided for each input
HDMI 1-4 Volmne Decoder
Trim Mode
TV Volume Decoder
Trim Mode
AUXIn2 Volmne Decoder
Trim Mode
FM Volume FM Auto Clear
Trim Mode Preset Preset
SIRIUS Volmne Clear Parental
Trim Preset Lock
iPod Volume
Details of the menu items are as follows. The
configuration will be reflected to the input source
currently selected.
The initial settings are marked with "*".
Volume Trim (Volume trim)
Use to reduce any change in vohune when switching input
sources by correcting volume differences between input
Adjustable range: -6.0dB to +6.0dB (in 0.5 dB steps)
hfitial setting: 0.0dB
Decoder Mode (Decoder mode)
Use to select DTS digital audio signals for reproduction.
Choices: Auto*, DTS
Select Auto to automatically select audio input signals.
Select DTS to selects DTS signals only. Other input
signals are not reproduced.
FM Mode (FM receiving mode)
Use to set the FM broadcasting receiving mode.
Choices: Stereo*, Mono
Select Stereo to receive in stereo mode by priority.
Select Mono to receive in monaural mode.
Auto Preset (Automatic preset)
Use to automatically detect FM radio stations and registers
them as preset stations (page 25).
Clear Preset (Clear preset station)
Use to clear the preset FM stations (page 26) or preset
SIRIUS Satellite Radio channels (page 29).
ParentalLock (Parental lock)
Use to limit access to the desired SIRIUS Satellite Radio
channels (page 29).
Use to display information of the sampling flequency,
video signal type, and resolution for each input source on
the fiont panel display.
1 Select an input source (TV, AUXI/2, and
HDMI1-4) and then press @INFO.
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2 Press @INFO repeatedly to change items to
be displayed.
Sampling frequency (Audio Sampling)
The sampling fiequency per second in analog- to-digital
Video signal (Video Signal In)
Signal type and resolution of video input signal.
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