User Guide

Folder/File Operations using the Open/Save Display
Basic Operations Organizing Your Data
TYROS Owner’s Manual
Converting into Kanji (Japanese language)............................................................
This applies only if you are using the “ (kana-kan)” button (in Japanese). When the input
“hiragana” characters are shown in reverse display (highlighted), press the [ENTER] button one or
several times to convert the characters into the appropriate kanji. The reversed area can be changed
by the [DATA ENTRY] dial. The converted area can be changed back to “hiragana” by the
[DELETE] LCD button (lower [7] button). The reversed area can be cleared at once by the [CAN-
CEL] LCD button (lower [8] button). To actually enter the change, press the [OK] LCD button
(upper [8] button) or enter the next character. To enter the “hiragana” itself (without converting it),
press the [OK] LCD button (upper [8] button).
Changing the Open/Save Display View
The Open/Save display actually has two different view types. One is Direct Selection, which we’ve seen up until this point. The
other is Number Input, which lets you open files according to their numbers. Switch between the two types by pressing the upper
[7] LCD button.
From the Direct Selection type, you select the desired file directly by pressing the appropriate LCD letter button. The Number
Input type, on the other hand, lets you call up the desired file by entering the appropriate file number (see below). Since the
TYROS has many files spread out over several pages, Number Input may be quicker and more convenient — providing you know
the number of the file.
Number Input type Entering numbers.................................................................
To select voice number 128, for example, press the [1], [2] and [8] LCD buttons in sequence as
shown below, and press the [ENTER] button. Entering one- or two-digit numbers is done in the
same way.
When you select the next or previous file, press the [
] or [
] LCD button.
Open/Save display Direct Selection Open/Save display Number Input
Input the
Shows the prop-
erty of the drive/
Moves the cursor
to the top of this
page (path).
Scrolls up/down
through the file list
on this page
Moves the cursor
to the end of this
page (path).
Calls up the upper
level directory
Press this to cancel the
number you’ve input
and return to the origi-
nal display.
12345678 12345678
12345678 12345678