Owner`s manual

Voice mode
Song modeUtility modeFile modeMaster mode
Pattern mode
Mixing Voice
Song Mixing Edit mode Part Edit
Owner’s Manual
These parameters are for editing the individual Parts that make up a Song Mixing.
[F4] CTL ASN (Controller Assign)
From this display, you can assign Control Change numbers to the hardware controllers of the instrument (such as the Knobs), for each Song.
The parameters are the same as in Performance Common Edit. See page 173.
n For information on the effect connections in the Song mode, see page 144.
For more information on parameters, refer to page 144.
[SF2] INS SW (Insertion Switch)
The Insertion Effects can be applied to up to three parts. This display lets you set to which parts the Insertion
Effects are applied.
The number of parameters and values available differs depending on the currently selected effect type. For
more information, see the Effect Type List in the separate Data List booklet.
Part Edit
[SONG] Song selection [MIXING] [EDIT] Part selection
Determines the Voice for each Part. For details, see page 76.
n When the cursor is located on the Bank, you can select a Voice (with the exception of Mixing Voices) via the method
explained in the Quick Guide on page 40.
Mono/Poly Determines the playback method of the Voice for each Part—monophonic (single notes only) or polyphonic
(multiple notes).
Settings: mono, poly
n This parameter is not available for the part to which a Drum Voice is assigned.
ArpSwitch (Arpeggio Switch) Determines whether Arpeggio is on or off for the currently selected Part.
Settings: on, off
n Only Parts having the same receive channel can be applied simultaneously.
ReceiveCh (Receive Channel) Determines the MIDI receive channel for the selected Part. Since MIDI data may be coming from many
channels at once, you should set this to match the particular channel over which the desired controlling data is
being sent.
Settings: 01 – 16, off
From this display you can determine the note range and velocity range for each Part.
The parameters are the same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 174.
[SF4] PORTA (Portamento)
Determines the Portamento parameters for each Part.
The parameters are the same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 174.
Same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 174.
[SF1] VOL/PAN (Volume/Pan)
Same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 175.
[SF2] EF SEND (Effect Send)
Same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 175.
[SF3] SELECT (Output Select)
Same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 175.
[F3] EQ (Equalizer)
From this display you can set parameters related to the Part EQ.
The parameters are the same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 175.
Same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 176.
Same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 176.
(Filter Envelope Generator)
From this display you can set the FEG (Filter Envelope Generator) parameters for each Part. The parameters
offset the same parameters of the assigned Voice set in the Voice (Element) Edit mode (page 161).
The parameters are the same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 176.
n The FEG setting is not available for Parts to which Drum Voices have been assigned.
(Amplitude Envelope Generator)
From this display you can set the AEG (Amplitude Envelope Generator) parameters for each Part. The
parameters offset the same parameters of the assigned Voice set in the Voice (Element) Edit mode (page 162).
The parameters are the same as in Performance Part Edit. See page 176.
n Sustain and Release settings are not available for Parts to which Drum Voices have been assigned.