
Active Sound Reinforcement Monitor
Forget about what other small PA speakers sound like. Especially forget
what so-called “powered” speakers sound like. The active SRM450 is that
different. The most sophisticated, versatile portable sound reinforcement
speaker ever developed, the SRM450 translates the fidelity and performance
found in Mackie's award-winning HR824 Active Near Field Studio
Monitor into a tough, portable and easy to use composite enclosure.
The SRM450 delivers tight, steel-fisted bass to below 55Hz and detailed,
articulate treble out to 20kHz. Midrange is warm, natural, and free from
ear-fatiguing harshness. Active technology with wide dispersion, studio
quality horns lets the whole audience hear clearly, whether they’re in the
front, back, or way out on the sides of the room. And above all, the SRM450
cranks! Without a hint of distortion, it effortlessly achieves sound pressure
levels that would melt conventional speakers into a pile of molten slag.
ORDER & INFO. (212) 444-5088 • FAX: (212) 239-7770 (800) 947-7008
1-800-875-6951 • www.bhphotovideo.com
Big studio monitors use an exponential horn design that keeps the air impedance
constant and the sound smooth as silk. However, off-axis pattern control isn’t great.
Lots of speakers claim 90° horizontal dispersion.But when you examine their polar
patterns, you discover that they don’t achieve 90° dispersion at all frequencies.When a
speaker has uneven dispersion (poor pattern control) at higher frequencies, acoustic
energy projects straight out in a beam—great for the listeners right in front of the
speaker, but muddy, dull,uneven sound off-axis.
The SRM450’s horn design is a unique three-piece assembly derived from high-end
studio monitor technology where wide dispersion and precise reproduction of voice
and high frequencies is critical. Mackie applied this technology in a high powered,
sound reinforcement application coupled with high output compression drivers. The
result is an extremely smooth off axis response,which allows everyone in front of the
SRM450 to experience the same high-resolution audio no matter where they are seated.
Combination mic/line level control
incorporating Mackie studio-quality low noise
mic pre-amp. Built directly into the SRM450,
this allows it to also function as a complete
stand-alone PA system.
2-way bi-amplified active system —built-in
monolithic 300 watt bass & 100 watt mid/high
amplifier—no external power amplifier needed
Servo-controlled RCF Precision 12˝
long-throw frequency transducer with
inside/outside voice coil
Studio-quality maximum dispersion horn design
High (127dB) SPL output/low distortion
1.75˝ high-output precision compression driver
with damped titanium diaphragm assembly
Level control, contour & low cut switches
Built-in electronic equalization, phase alignment,
time compensation, precision 24dB/oct.
Linkwitz-Riley electronic crossover and
protection circuitry.
Power On,Thermal, Peak and Signal Present
Molded composite, monocoque asymmetrical
enclosure and metal grille
Three balanced ergonomic handles make it easy
to carry
Timed Auto-on/Auto-off feature
Pole-mountable and multiple fly points make it
easy to set up—also a great floor monitor
overload LED
Power LED
Contour EQ switch provides
3dB of boost over 12kHz
and below 100kHz
Timed turn-off switch.Automatically turns SRM450 on
when input signal is sensed, and turns it off when no
signal is detected for approximately three minutes
Peak LED
Signal present LED
Volume control.
Extremely wide gain
range (up to +40dB)
enables you to plug a
microphone directly
into the speaker
for mobile PA
75Hz low cut filter
male and female XLR
inputs. Either one can
also be used as a signal
pass-through to the
other speaker