User Manual

Table Of Contents
7.6. Selecting multiple objects
Here we explain how to select multiple objects placed in the "Project" sheet.
Use the mouse cursor to completely enclose objects
By dragging the mouse cursor, you can select the objects that are completely enclosed in the rectangular
area on the sheet.
Hold down < Ctrl > and use the mouse cursor to completely or partially enclose objects
By dragging the mouse cursor while you hold down < Ctrl >, you can select the objects that are completely
or partially enclosed in the rectangular area on the sheet.
To select objects inside a device, start dragging inside that device. Only the objects inside that device are subject
to selection.
If the selection encloses a Device Group, and the point at which you start dragging is on the
sheet, then the objects on the sheet are selected. If the point at which you start dragging is on
a Device Group, then objects inside that Device Group are selected.
Hold down < Ctrl > and click objects
To select multiple objects, hold down < Ctrl > and click each target that you want to select.
If you hold down < Ctrl > and click an object that is already selected, the selection is cleared.
7. "Project" sheet
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