User Manual

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13.7.6. About [Unbundle Wires]
After you have placed all of the necessary components and have finished creating wires between them, you can
select all components and execute [Unbundle Wires] to prevent the wires from overlapping in the display.
When you execute [Unbundle Wires], the items in the “Properties” area for the components and the wires
connected to the components are set to the following values.
Item Value
Component Output Wiring Step An appropriate value will automatically be
Input Wiring Step An appropriate value will automatically be
Wire Wire Routing Automatic
Auto Block Avoidance False
If you want to selectively change the spacing between the wires, perform the operation above, and then change
the [Output Wiring Step] or [Input Wiring Step] values.
If you don’t want wires to overlap when you’re making connections, execute the following procedure.
1. Place all components.
2. Select all components, and execute [Unbundle Wires].
3. Make one connection between components, and select the wire.
4. Set the wire’s [Wire Routing] to [Automatic], and set [Auto Block Avoidance] to [False].
5. Click the [Save Style] button to save the wire’s user style to the computer.
Subsequently when you connect wires, they are shown without overlapping.
13. Audio Processors: DME7
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