
Selecting decoders for multi-channel
It"you connected surround back speakers, use this feature
to enjoy 6.117.l-channel playback for nmlti-channel
sources using the Dolby Pro Logic llx, Dolby Digital EX
or DTS-ES decoders.
Set the operation mode selector to AMP and
then press EXTD SUR. on the remote control
repeatedly to switch between 5.1 and 6.1/7.I-
channel playback.
2 Press <1/[:> repeatedly to select a decoder
while the name of the decoder is displayed.
Auto AUT{)
When a signal flag that can be recognized by this unit is
input, this nnit selects the optimum decoder to play back
the signal in 6.117.1 channels.
If this unit cannot recognize the flag or no flag is present
in the input signal, it cannot automatically be played in
6.117.1 channels.
You can select from the following decoders depending on
the format of the source you are phtying.
l:::'L..i[]'':.:%:::,,...,:i.,i? Playsbacknlulti-channel
13['1,...*,_r"..Li:::'i_....._.......'r'r.. ............i"{,",_.._'i ,::a sources ill 7.1 channels using
r","F,::Ta,,i:d T T. * {"[r'lLJ 'i _:::, tile Pro Logic llx nlovie
h'ii::)i"q','i..Li:2,i T 'r. 1"{,"_.._i ,::a decoder.
r'.,,::[*i'%..i..i::) i T T. * {"li"li. j 'I i:::,
.........= ..... ...
iDil...._.T .IT'_:q"{ i...............i":::. 'i i". Plays back multi-channel
i']['l [)+{:::'L.i[]i:_::["ii..4:iii.:i.,:::.sources ill 6.117.1 channels
r'.,"i%::.".i..i::,i T T. * {"h .i.:::. 'i ,". using tile Pro Logic llx nmsic
h'iiDi"q','i..LiDi T 'r. 1"1ia*:::."i,". decoder.
r'.,,::.'T.,.i..i::)i T T. * {"ha.:::.'i *".
.........= ......... ...
i".,"i_,::_= j:::,::_= Plays back DTS signals ill 6.1/
r'.,"i",:::",:::_,:::....":,.4c:',::r 7.1 channels using tile DTS-ES
r'.,l%i iDLJ r'., i:::=...= Plays back nlulti-chanllelI...'L.q..,A.J _ _..' L.=:":
r'.,"F,::.".=..i".,='=li ii::,i.j i:::':...= SOllrces ill 6.1/7.1 channels
h.iiD,"<h.i..t_i".++",iiDLJi::..... using lhe Dolbv Digital EX
r'.,,;;Fi".,<.i..i".,i"li il;;,i..i i;;;':..._ decoder.
+...'....q..=*, k=%.q.....%, _ 1....:"_
Off ,...,,"'li:::i:::l
Decoders are not used to create 6.117.1 channels.
"PLIIx Movie" is axailable only when "Surround Back" (see
page 106) is set to "Small x2" or "Large x2".
Some 6.117. l-channel compatible discs do not have a signal flag
that call be automatically detected by this unit. When playing
these kinds of discs in 6.1/7.1 channels, select a decoder
mammlly lrom "PLllx Music". "EX/ES" or "EX'.
6.1/7.l-channel playback is not possible even if you press
EXTD SUR. in the l_)llowing cases:
when "Surround" (see page 106) or "Surround Back" (see
page 106) is set to "None".
when the component connected to the MULTI CH INPUT
.jacks is being played.
when the source being played does not contain surround left
and right channel signals.
when a Dolby Digital KARAOKE source is being played.
when the "2ch Stereo" (see page 53) or Pure Direct (see
page 52) mode is selected.
When this unit is mined ofli this setting will be reset to "Auto".
The Pro Logic llx decoder is not available when "Surround
Back" is set to "None" (see page 106).
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