
Recording adjustments and other operations are performed from the recording components. Refer to the operating
instructions for those components.
The DTS signal is a digital bitstream. Attempting to digitally record the DTS bitstream will result in
noise being recorded. Therefore, if you want to use this unit to record sources encoded in DTS, the
following considerations and adjustments need to be made. To play DTS-encoded DVDs and CDs
(when using a digital audio connection) on your DTS-compatible player, follow its operating
instructions to make a setting so that the analog signal will be output from the player.
When this unit is set to the slandby mode, you cannot recoM between other components connected Io II_isunit.
The settings ol TONE CONTROL (see page 52). VOLUME. the speaker level (see page 109) and Ihe sound field programs (see
page 47) do not alfect recorded malelial.
The source connected 1othe MULTI CH INPUT jacks of this unit cannot be recorded.
The XM Satellile Radio signals (U.S.A. and Canada models only) cannot be outpul at Ihe AUDIO OUT (REC)jacks.
Digital signals input ,'-itthe DIGITAL INPUT jacks are not outpul at Ihe analog AUDIO OUT (RE(?)jacks for recording. Likewise.
analog signals input at the AUDIO IN jacks are not output at the DIGITAL OUTPUT jack. Therefore. il your source componenl is
connected Io provide only digital or analog signals, you can only record digilal or analog signals.
A given inpul source is not oulput on Ihe same OUT (REC) channel.
S-video and composile vide() signals pass independenlly Ihrough Ihe video circuits ol Ibis unit. Therelore. when recording or dubbing
video i_,nal mpu h'om a video source componenl that provides only an S-video or a composite 'ide( ienal, you can record only an
S-video or a composile video signal on your VCR.
The analog audio signals inpul at Ihe DOCK terminal can be oulput at Ihe analog AUDIO OUT (RE(7)jacks for recording.
Check Ihe copyright laws in your country to record lrom CDs. radio, etc. Recording ol copyrighted material may inhinge copyright
Do a test recording before you starl an actual recording.
If you play back a video source that uses scrambled or encoded signals to prevent it from being dubbed, the picture
itself may be disturbed due to those signals.
(U.S.A. model)
Rotate the PROGRAM selector on the front
panel to select the source component you
want to record from.
Select "SOURCE" to record the currently selected
input source.
1 Turn on all the connected components.
Front panel
Press REC OUT/ZONE 2 repeatedly until the
RECOUT indicator lights up in the front panel
_ -- RECOUT --
/ I \
4 Start playback on the selected source
component or select a broadcast station.
5 Start recording on the recording component.
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