
Tuner frequency step 'lt..ilql!!!i;i:F:RQ :!!!;iI!!!F:'
(Asia and General models only)
Use this feature to set the tuner frequency step according
to the frequency spacing in your area.
Choices: AMIO/FM100, AM9/FM50
Select "AMI0/FMI00" for North, Central and South
Select "AM9/FM50" for all other areas.
Bi-AMP i3]:-Ri"iF'
Use to activate or deactivate the bi-AMP fimction.
Choices: ON, OF[ =
Select "ON" if you want to activate the bi-AMP
Select "OFF" if you want to deactivate the bi-AMP
When "BI-AMP" is set to "ON". the SURROUND BACK
terminals cannot be used to connect surround back speakers in
that the SURROUND BACK terminals are already used lk)r the
bi-AMP connection (see page 19).
Video reset U]:[>K0 RK:!!K!KI
Use to initialize the parameter settings for "Video" in
"Manual Setup" (see page 101).
Choices: YES, CANCEL
The parameter setting for "Short Message" or "On Screen" is not
initialized (see page 101).
Network reset lqKTid0l:;i:KF;;:K:!!;KT
Use this feature to reset the network settings of this unit
(see page 109) to the initial factory settings.
Select "CANCEL" not to reset any network settings of
this unit.
Select "RESET" to reset the network settings of this
The initial lactory settings are activated next time you mrn on
this unit.
When the nelwork settings are reset. "DHCP" in "NET/USB" is
automatically set to "On" (see page 109) and the registered
client ID of this unit on your YAMAHA MCX_2(R)0 is cleared
(see page 8(I).
TV format TU F:OF;?,I,iAi
Use this feature to set the color encoding format of your
Choices: NTSC, PAL
Initial setting:
[U.S.A., Canada, General and Korea models]: NTSC
[Other models]: PAL
This parameter setting only affects the vide() monitor connected
to the MONITOR OUT jacks and does not affect the Zone 2
video monitor connected to the ZONE 2 VIDEO.jacks.
Monitor check for HDMI up-scaling
l"i0i".l:[K:)R (::HI!!(.;K
Use this feature to activate or deactivate the monitor check
flmction of this unit. When this parameter is set to "YES",
this unit receives the information of the available video
signal resolutions from the video monitor connected via
HDMI (see page 102).
Choices: YES, SKIP
GUI language Gi..ji[L.{:il.iGi..J{::iG[!:
Use this feature to select the language of your choice that
appears in the GU] (graphical user interface) menu of this
Choices: ENGLISH (English), JAPANESE (Japanese),
(Spanish), RUSSIAN (Russian)
136 En