
Speaker impedance :!!;F:'EAi::?!!!]:?iMi:::',,
Use this feature to set the speaker impedance of this unit
so that it matches that of your speakers.
Choices: 8f_IVlIN, 6f2MIN
Select "8f2MIN" to set the speaker impedance to 8 f2.
Select "6f2MIN" to set the speaker impedance to 6 f2.
Tile impedance of each
Front speaker must be 8 _ or
The impedance of each
Surround speaker must be 8 _ or
Surround back
The impedance of each
Front speaker must be 4 _ or
The impedance of each
Surround speaker must be 6 _ or
Surround back
User presets iil:::'i:::'Ci:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Use this feature to reset all the parameters of this unit to
the initial factor), settings (see page 149).
Choices: CANCl=L, RESET
Select "CANCEL" not to reset any parameters of this
Select "RESET" to reset the parameters of this unit.
This setting completely resets all the parameters of this unit.
However. the advanced setup inenu parameters will not be
The initial lhctory settings are activated next time you turn on
this unit.
Remote sensor i:;I:i!![i,i0Ti!!!:!!!;i!!!iq:!!!;0F?,
Use this feature to actiwtte or deactivate the signal-
receiving capability of the remote control sensor on the
front panel of this unit.
Choices: ON, OFF
Select "ON" if you want to activate the signal-
receiving capability of the remote control sensor.
Select "OFF" if you want to deactivate the signal-
receiving capability of the remote control sensor.
We recommend selting the parameter to "ON" in most cases.
Wake on RS-232C access"i:::' I%M i:::,,_:'':,"::"":_"'
Use this feature to set this unit to transmit data via the RS-
232C interface when this unit is in the standby mode.
Choices: YES, NO
Initial setting:
[U.S.A. and Canada model@ YES
[Other models]: NO
Select "YES" to set this unit to transmit data via the
RS-232C interface.
Select "NO" to set this unit not to transmit data via the
RS-232C interface.
Remote control AMP ID
Use this feature to set tile AMP ID of this unit for remote
control recognition (see page 121).
Choices: ID1, ID2
Select "IDI" when the remote control AMP ID library
code is set to "2001".
Select "ID2" when the remote control AMP ID library
code is set to "2002".
You need to sel the corresponding l'emole conlrol AMP library
code for lhe remole conlrol (see page 121).
Remote control TUNER ID
i:::,l== "i"i ii..ii:::'i:::, Tr",
l'..i.. i _...ll'.q..,A'..._.L.'
Use this feature to set the TUNER ID of this unit for
remote control recognition (see page 138).
Choices: ID1, ID2
Select "IDI" when the remote control TUNER ID
library code is set to "2602".
Select "ID2" when the remote control TUNER ID
library code is set to "2603".
You need to sel tile corresponding l'emole control TUNER library
code for the rmnole conlrol (see page 138).
Remote control XM ID _:::,,-.=...=i.,=_'ri".,
(U.S.A. and Canada models only)
Use this feature to set the XM ID of this unit for remote
control recognition (see page 138).
Choices: ID1, ID2
Select "IDI" w.'hen the remote control XM ID library
code is set to "2604".
Select "ID2" when the remote control XM ID library
code is set to "2605".
You need to sel the corresponding remole control XM library,
code for Ihe remole conlrol (see page 138).
135 En