
Controlling other components
Set tile operation mode selector to SOURCE to control
other components selected with the input selector buttons
You mnst set the appropriate remote control code for each
input source in advance (see page 120). The following
table shows the flmction of each control button used to
control other components assigned to each input selector
button. Be advised that some buttons may not correctly
operate the selected component.
The remote control has 14 modes (input areas) to control
components so that the remote control can operate up to 14
diltcrent compolmnts.
W"! Q
cccl gl
(U.S.A. model)
'_) AV po_el, q po_xel, q po_xel, q VCRpow_l Powel, I Powel, I Power'q Pm_er"l Pm_el'q
P()WER ',2
'_ CH + TV Channel up Cllannel up Chamlel up TV TV TV TV TV TV TV
channel up .3 chamlel up "3 channel up .3 channel up .3 channel up .3 channel up .3 channel up "3 chamlel up "3
TV chamlel Channel Channel Channel TV channel TV channel TV channel TV channel TV chamlel TV channel -['v chamlel
down .3 down down down down"3 down*3 down*3 down*3 down '_3 down"3 down"3
'_ T['['[ .E Til[e "['ille "['il k_ Ti(le Band
Bookmark '7
'k4) I N'['I F: Metal enl_l Menu selecl Menu selecl Subsequen(
Ihesel up Up Up
PI)-I SET/CH A Metal up Menu up Menu up ( I Io 8)
PI)-I SET/CH V Metal down Menu do_n Menu do_n Ihesel dox_n I)own I)oan
( l Io 8 )
Plese_ dogll Pie\ io/s Pre_ious
A I/CAT <3 Metal lell Menu kH Menu Jell (A k) I) menu '6 menu
A E/CAT D- Metal Agh( Menu A_h( Menu A_h( I)ireclion Ihesel up Subsequen( Subsequenl
.... A/B (A Io I) menu '6 menu
'_ I_:ETURN. Reltlnl I).elunl I).elunl I).emHi Memory
(6_ I 9.0.+10 Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric NumeAc
bulons /ulon_ bul[oll _ bud[oils bu_lolls buHolls btl[lolls b/llolls 49
,7"_ _---/<:_ Semch Sea_ch VCP. search VCP. semch Semch Semch Semch Search Semch Selecl NET
back,\aid backboard blckwld ,2 blckward *2 blck\_ald back_ald back_ald back_ald backwld '4 I).AI)IO
Semch Semch VCP. selrch VCP. selrch Sea_ch Semch Semch Search Seuch
_>_> Selecl USB
JOl "v\_!ld Iorwmd Ik)rward ,2 Ik)rward *2 [ )1 \V_ll(l [ _1\_ _ll(l [ _1\_ ;tl(l Ioraald Iorward '4
Ch q)le_/ Skip Skip I)ireclion Skip Skip
I<1<] Skip Skip
backv\ aid back_ald back_ald back backward b ickward '8
b ick\_ aid
Ch_pleJ Skip I )rx_a_d Skip I)_wa_d I)fieclion Skip _k_n_a_d ik)rx_ard, 8
Skip _k)_a_d Skip Iorward Ioramd
REC/ Disc skip Selecl PC/
I)ISC (playe_) VCP. _ec "2 VCP. _ec "2 I)isc skip Rec Rec
SKIP Rec (recoldm)
[] Slop Slop VCP. slop *2 VCP. slop *2 Slop Slop Slop Slop Slop Slop
0_ Patlse Patlse VCI ). pause VCI ). pause Pause Pause Patlse Patlse (PJa}/
,i2 ,i2 Pause), 5
Pk 0 Pk 0 VCI).pk!) '_2 VCI).pko .2 l>la3 l>la) Pla} Pk 0 (P[a3/ Pla 3
Pause) '5
,_ MINU Metal Menu Menu Ihe\ k)us Pre_ious
menu melll
'M_) AUI)IO Audio Audk)
I)ISPI.AY I)isplap I)ispklp I)ispla 3 I)ispkly Display I)ispkly I)ispk 0 I)ispkl 3
'[]]; IN'I" En(er En(erk ec ill Inle_
See page 120 for details about Ihe items marked with aslerisk (*).