User Guide

9. Effect
You use the Pattern Effects submode to select and set up the effects applied to the pattern.
The variation connection setting determines how the RM1x handles effects processing. For more information, refer to Chapter
1. (page 39)
n The playback buttons (p, s, t, r/f) continue to function while you are adjusting the settings, so that you can monitor
the results of your changes as you make them.
When variation connection = System: When variation connection = Insertion:
9. Effect
Parameter Values Function
Variation type
(Refer to the separate List Book. )
Selects the variation effect type.
Refer to the separate List Book for a complete listing of the RM1x
effect types.
Chorus type
(Refer to the separate List Book. )
Selects the chorus effect type.
Refer to the separate List Book for a complete listing of the RM1x
effect types.
Reverb type
(Refer to the separate List Book. )
Selects the reverb effect type.
Refer to the separate List Book for a complete listing of the RM1x
effect types.
Variation connection Insertion, System Selects handling of variation effect.
This setting determines whether the variation effect is handled as
an insertion effect or as a system effect. (See the illustrations on
pages 40, 41)
If you set this value to Insertion, then you can apply the variation
effect to no more than a single track. In this case, you can also use
an assignable controller to control one of the parameters for the
effect in real time.
If you set the value to System, then the variation effect operates in
the same way as the chorus and reverb effects - so that you can
apply it to all tracks, and set values for the send and return levels.
* For information about how to change values, refer to the Basic Operation (page26).