User Guide

Pitch Bend/Portamento
Track number
8. Voice Edit
Parameter Values Function
Pitch Bend range -24 ... 0 ... +24 Sets the range of the pitch change that can be controlled by PITCH
BEND knob for each part.
With a setting of +12, the pitch will change one octave when pitch
bend is fully raised or lowered. With negative settings, the direction
of pitch change will be inverted.
Pitch Bend -8192 ... 0000 ... +8191 Specifies a “preset” pitch bend value for the current track.
Portamento Switch on/off ON, OFF Specify whether or not portamento will be applied to each part.
Portamento is a function that smoothly changes the pitch between
two notes of different pitch.
Portamento will not apply to drum voices or SFX kit voices.
Portamento time 000 ... 127 Specifies the pitch change speed to each part when the Portamento
Switch = ON.
Higher values will cause the pitch to change more slowly. Lower
values will produce a faster change.
Track number 01 ... 16 Shows the current selected track number. Track number selection
can be accomplished via this parameter, or by the keyboard method
described on page 27.
Transpose -36 ... 0 ... +36 Shows the current transpose value. Transposition can be accom-
plished via this parameter, or by the keyboard method described on
page 27.
* For information about how to change values, refer to the Basic Operation (page26).