User Guide

Job 05 Convert to Song
This job converts the Pattern Chain data to Song data and
places the results in the normal song tracks after converting
the data to standard MIDI format. The expanded data is placed
in song tracks 1 through 16. Any previous data in those tracks
will be erased!
1. Song
Specifies the Song number to which the converted data
will be saved.
Settings : 01 ... 20
2. Start Measure
Specifies the measure from which the converted data
will start in the destination Song.
Settings : 001 ... 999
Job 06 Copy Chain
This job copies the selected pattern chain (including PLAY
FX and VOICE submode settings) into another pattern chain
location. Following the copy, the selected pattern chain will
exist at two pattern chain locations.
The copy operation causes loss of any data already existing in
the destination pattern chain.
1. Source pattern chain
The first Chain value selects the Pattern chain to be
Settings : 01 ... 20
2. Destination pattern chain
The second Chain value selects the destination.
Settings : 01 ... 20
3. Job
Job 07 Clear Chain
This job deletes all data from the selected pattern chain.
1. Chain
Selects the pattern chain to be deleted.
Settings : 01 ... 20
Job 08 Chain Name
You use this job to set or change the name for the currently
selected pattern chain.
Use Display Knobs 1 and 2 to select a character loca-
tion and character, then press the F2 function button
(Enter) to enter the specified character at the selected
location. The F1 function button (Delete) can be used to
back up one character location and delete the character
at that location. Repeat until the chain name is complete.