
Preventing accidental erasure
Floppy disks have a write-protect slide which can be used to
prevent accidental erasure of data. On floppy disks which con-
tain important data, move the write-protect slide to the write-
protect position (the window open) so that data cannot be
written to the disk.
write-protect slide
write permit
write prohibit
Data backup
The data on a floppy disk can be damaged by unforeseen ac-
cidents. If you have especially important data that you wish to
keep, we suggest that you take the time to make a backup
Types of file used by the RM1x
All data
These files handle all data of the RM1x’s internal memory
as a single file.
All data includes the following data.
Songs 20
Styles (User) 50
System Setup 1
Song data includes the musical data for songs 01 - 20 of
Song mode, the Voice submode and Effect submode set-
tings for each song, and the Song mode Play FX and Out
Channel settings.
Style data includes data for the eight Patterns of each Style
(50 16 = 800), and 99 User Phrases for each Style (50
99 = 4950). The data for each Pattern includes Play Ef-
fect, Pattern Voice, and Pattern Effect settings in addition
to the musical data.
System Setup contains the settings of Utility mode.
Style (User)
Style files contain all the data included in a style (16 sec-
tions and 256 user phrases) of Pattern mode.
Style files include the following data.
Musical data recorded in the Style
Play FX settings
Out Channel settings
Voice submode settings
Effect submode settings
Song files contain all the data included in one song of Song mode.
Song files include the following data.
Musical data recorded in the song
Play FX settings
Out Channel settings
Voice submode settings
Effect submode settings
SMF (Standard MIDI File) is defined as a suggested format
for MIDI musical data, and is a sequencer data format used
by many musical instrument manufacturers and computer
software companies. Devices that are Standard MIDI File
compatible can exchange sequence data via floppy disk, etc.
SMF handles one Song or one Section (style) as a single
file. Play FX, Out Channel, Voice submode and Effect
submode settings are not included in an SMF file.
SMF+TG Header
When saving a pattern / song in this format, 1 or 2 setup
measures will be added to the beginning of the musical
data. Program Change, Volume, Pan, Reverb Send Level,
Chorus Send Level, Variation Send Level, and Pitch Bend
Sensitivity will be inserted in the form of MIDI data into
these setup measures.
When a file saved with a TG header is loaded and then
saved once again with the TG Header setting, tone gen-
erator setup data will again be inserted at the beginning of
the pattern / song, resulting in duplicate data. For this rea-
son, before saving the data for the second time, you should
use the Pattern / Song job Delete Measure to delete the
previous setup measures that were added.
When a file saved with a TG header is loaded and played
back, the tempo may lag slightly during measure 1. How-
ever this will have no effect on the playback of the origi-
nal portion of the song data.
When a file saved with a TG header is loaded and played
back, all settings of Voice submode will be ignored. If you
wish to keep the Voice submode settings, use the Pattern /
Song job Delete Measure to delete the setup measures that
were added.
Data filename extensions
When the above-mentioned five types of data are saved by
the RM1x, a filename extension (three characters indicating
the type of file) will be automatically added to the name of
the file as follows.
1. All Data .R1A
2. Style .R1P
3. Song .R1S
7. About floppy disks