
1. Specifications
Sequencer block
Data capacity approximately 110,000 notes
Note resolution 480 clocks per quarter note
Polyphony 64 notes
BPM (Tempo) 25.0 - 300.0
Recording method Realtime Recording (Replace)
Realtime Recording (Overdub)
Realtime Recording (Punch In) - only the Song mode
Step Recording
Grid Step Recording
Tracks Pattern : 16 tracks
Song : 16 tracks, BPM track
Patterns 960 preset patterns (60 styles x 16 sections)
800 user patterns (50 styles x 16 sections)
Measures : Up to 256
Phrases Over 7,000 preset phrases
256 user phrases/1 user style
Pattern Chain 20 chains
Songs 20 user songs
Edit Phrase edit
Song edit
Jobs Pattern jobs : 36
Pattern chain jobs : 8
Song jobs : 28
Split Split song, Split pattern
Groove Grid Groove (Note offset, Clock shift, Gate time offset, Velocity offset)
Play Fx Harmonize (Unison, Octaver, Harmonize1, 2)
Play Fx (Beat stretch, Clock shift, Gate time, Velocity offset)
MIDI delay MIDI delay edit, Feedback edit
Arpeggio Type (Up, Down, Alternate1, 2, Random) , Sort, Hold, Octave range
Sequence file formats RM1x native sequence format, SMF format 0
Demo song 4 (Included disk)
Tone generator block
Type AWM2 tone generator
Maximum polyphony 32 notes
Multi-timbral capability 16 timbres (with DVA)
Preset voices Normal voices 654 ( except GM voices )
Drum voices 46 kits ( except GM kits )
Effects 3 systems (Reverb effect, Chorus effect, Variation effect)
Reverb 11 types
Chorus 11 types
Variation 43 types
Digital low boost Frequency (50Hz - 2.0kHz), Gain (
Controls Standby / On switch ( STANDBY / ON )
Volume control (VOLUME)
Assignable knobs ( x 8 )
Display knobs ( x 4 )
CONTRAST control
Mode buttons ( [PATTERN], [PATT CHAIN], [SONG], [UTILITY] )
Submode buttons ( [GROOVE], [PLAY FX], [MIDI DELAY], [ARPEGGIO],
1. Specifications