User Manual

Style List
069 B.B.Bld 082.0 4/4 Big-band jazz ballad pattern, best at slightly slow tempos.
070 Ragtime 106.0 4/4 Ragtime pattern with swing accent.
071 Dixie 200.0 4/4 Dixieland jazz pattern, featuring characteristic banjo phrases. Also note the snare drum fill-in.
072 J.Waltz 172.0 3/4 Slightly uptempo jazz waltz pattern, with drum brush producing strong jazz feel.
073 Fusion 104.0 4/4 Typical fusion pattern. Note the Latin-style piano in the main B section.
074 Fsn.Shfl 102.0 4/4 Another good fusion pattern: 16 beats with shuffle.
075 Mambo 110.0 4/4 Rhythmical mambo pattern. Characteristic percussion includes timbales and guiro.
076 Samba 108.0 4/4 Typical samba pattern from Brazil, featuring interesting piano play and pitched agogo bells.
077 J.Samba 112.0 4/4 Exciting, somewhat fast samba pattern. Also fits certain types of fusion.
078 SlwBossa 122.0 4/4 Another Brazilian rhythm: a typical, but slightly slow, bossa nova.
079 PopBossa 126.0 4/4 Popsy bossa nova, with drumstick accent.
080 R.Latin 126.0 4/4 Somewhat slow Latin rhythm. Moody percussion includes cowbell, guiro, congas.
081 Rumba 112.0 4/4 The famous Cuban rhythm. Note the guitar rhythm on Track 4.
082 Espagnol 116.0 4/4 Spanish dance pattern. Nice atmosphere created by strong hand clapping in the main B section.
083 Bomba 120.0 4/4 Puerto Rican folk music, with piercing agogo rhythm.
084 Guanco 108.0 4/4 Latin rhythm with pleasant guitar action. Delayed bass entry produces very distinctive sound.
085 Reggae 1 082.0 4/4 Reggae with shuffle beat.
086 Reggae 2 086.0 4/4 Somewhat heavy reggae pattern; unusual bass phrasing and organ play.
087 Ska 130.0 4/4 Another Jamaican rhythm, said to be the precursor of reggae. Note the off-beat accentuation.
088 Calypso 122.0 4/4 The well-known Caribbean calypso style. Pay attention to the timbales in the fill section.
089 BluGrass 120.0 4/4 Cheerful, uptempo bluegrass pattern; includes banjo.
090 C&W Rock 130.0 4/4 Basic country-and-western, with natural guitar chord strokes.
091 C&W Shfl 120.0 4/4 Country-and-western shuffle, with great brush drumming in the fill-in.
092 C&W Bld 076.0 4/4 Plain country-and-western ballad pattern. Good for other genres as well.
093 C&W Wltz 098.0 3/4 Country-style waltz; great for gentle, singable ballads.
094 M.March 120.0 4/4 March pattern. The marching drum in Track 1 brings out the atmosphere.
095 6/8March 126.0 4/4 March, with triplet rhythms. Includes tuba, horn, and other characteristic marching brass.
096 Polka 128.0 4/4 Lively well-known dance pattern, originating from Czechoslovakia. The accordion phrasing is the key.
097 Slowfox 108.0 4/4 Slow foxtrot pattern. Basically a dance rhythm, but might also work with swing jazz numbers.
098 Foxtrot 200.0 4/4 Fast, swinging fox trot. Makes you want to dance.
099 TangoArg 132.0 4/4 Tango pattern, with characteristic accordion and castanets.
100 V.Waltz 182.0 3/4 Classical waltz pattern. Includes clarinet and good use of pizzicato.
Style No. Name Tempo Beat Comments