User Manual

EG Template List
Attack-EG Templates
Name Comment
Initial Initial settings
A.Piano Standard acoustic piano envelope; can also be used for electric piano voices.
Guitar Standard guitar envelope. Good for both acoustic and electric guitars.
Bass Standard bass envelope.
Brass Standard brass envelope.
StabBrass Brass envelope with sharp, strong attack.
STfast Strings envelope with fast attack.
SlwPad Strings envelope with slow attack; also good for synth pad.
SynBass1 Fast-release synth bass envelope.
SynBass2 Slow-release synth bass envelope.
Organ Standard organ envelope.
TunePerc1 Vibraphone-type envelope, with long sustain and quick release.
TunePerc2 Marimba-type envelope. Sound dies out quickly; sustain and release are of equal length.
TunePerc3 Bell-type envelope with long-lasting aftertones. Sustain and release are of equal length.
Pluck Sharp, plucked attack.
SynComp1 Long sustain and quick release; intended for synth voices.
SynComp2 Another synth-voice envelope, with aftertones. Sustain and release are of equal length.
SynLead Standard synth-lead envelope.
PCmute Sound dies quickly if you hold the key down; but aftertones linger if touch is staccato.
Wind SE-type envelope: the sound rises slowly, then falls slowly.
Reverse Sounds like reverse-cymbals played backwards: the sound rises slowly to a peak, the stops immediately.
Gate Gate-type envelope.
Pitch-EG Templates
Name Comment
Initial Initial settings
UpSlow Pitch rises slowly.
UpFast> Pitch rises quickly.
DownSlow Pitch drops slowly.
DownFast Pitch drops quickly.
SynBrass Synth-brass envelope, with distinctive attack.
BagPipe Bagpipe-like pitch action; rapid pitch cycles.
Release+12 Pitch goes up an octave at release, producing cembalo-like sound.
Release-12 Pitch drops an octave at release. Use with synth voices.
Release-5 Pitch drops five steps at release. Good with guitar-like voices.
Atack+12 Pitch drops from high to normal during attack. Good for synth leads.
Atack-12 Pitch rises from low to normal during attack. Good for synth leads.
SynTom Pitch envelope for synth tom.
Asia Attack characteristics produce ethnic feel.
UpDown SE-type envelope: pitch goes up, then comes down.
SlowDown Another SE-type envelope: pitch drops slowly.
At&Re1Oct1 SE-type pitch envelope with interesting attack and release effects. (First of two)
At&Re1Oct2 SE-type pitch envelope with interesting attack and release effects. (Second of two)
Scaling 50% Selects 50% pitch scaling. Good for ethnic sound.
Scaling 10% Selects 10% pitch scaling. Good for both ethnic and SE voices.
Scaling 0% No scaling; pitch is fixed.
Filter-EG Templates
Name Comment
Initial Initial settings
A. Piano Standard acoustic-piano filter envelope.
Guitar Standard filter envelope for guitar.
Bass Standard filter envelope for bass.
Brass Standard filter envelope for brass.
StabBrass Brass filter envelope featuring sharp, strong attack.
SfzBrass Sforzando brass.
SynBrass1 Bright, punchy synth-brass .
SynBrass2 Mild synth brass.
ResoClavi Clavi. with resonance.
SynBaReso Synth bass with strong resonance.
SynBaAtak Synth bass with strong attack.
SynPad Standard synth-pad filter envelope.
SlowAtack Slow-attack synth pad.
Sweep Typical filter-sweep envelope.
ResoAtack Strong resonance in attack.
SynWah For synth wah effect.
Velo+ Standard filter setup: brightness increases with velocity.
Vel- Opposite of standard: brightness decreases with velocity.
ResoPerc1 Filter settings for resonant synth percussion. (First of three)
ResoPerc2 Filter settings for resonant synth percussion. (Second of three)
ResoPerc3 Filter settings for resonant synth percussion. (Third of three)